What have you learned about faith through playing sports?
“Two things! I think sports has given me a focused and safe environment to practice how I want to respond in the face of challenges. I don’t always do this well, but sports has allowed me to practice choosing joy, being patient and faithful, trusting God when things aren’t great, and ultimately that my identity isn’t based on what I do, but rather who I belong to. I think having the opportunity to grow in these things through sports has been a big blessing to me.
The second thing is, being on a team has really grown my faith. God calls us to live in community, and I think being on a team is a way to live that and to practice sacrificing your interests for another, rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn, being faithful in your role in the body, allowing others to encourage me, and ultimately pursuing Christ together. I think that’s the biggest way sports have blessed me: being around people who have pushed, loved, and encouraged me to love God and others even more. I think that’s hard, if not impossible to do all by yourself.” - Elissa Moore