Faith in Practice
What are Faith in Practice courses?
What can I expect?
WE GET YOU...Over 30 coaches, athletes and gamers have contributed to these resources. The courses can be done at your own pace individually, as a team or staff.
Each course contains 6-8 modules of video content, 10-15 minutes in length, followed by questions and practical application.
Scroll down for specific information for ATHLETES, COACHES, GAMERS, PARENTS OF ATHLETES, PARENTS OF GAMERS and YOUTH MINISTRY WORKERS! Start learning how to put your FAITH in PRACTICE!

Faith in Practice Courses
Individual Courses for Athletes, Coaches, Gamers, Parents and
Youth Ministry Workers
wired4sport resources are uniquely designed by sportspeople for sportspeople to strengthen your love for God, to train in godliness and to put your faith into practice. Unlike other resources, these courses will enable you to apply your faith in the context of sport and gaming.
By the end of the course, you will have a clear understanding of why God created you with your unique gifts and abilities; the purpose of engaging in sport as a Christian; the value of sport as part of God’s created order and practical applications for faith in sport and gaming.
Put your faith in practice and bring out the best in you, your team and your competitions.
We offer six individual course modules: for athletes, gamers, coaches, parents of gamers, sport parents and youth ministry workers. Each is a self-paced course designed to deepen your understanding and to provide practical applications to help you live out your faith.
CLICK on the links below to get a preview of each course.

Why do you have athletic abilities and a passion to play?
Learn why you were given these talents and understand how you can be the best you can be by living out your purpose in your sport.
Faith in Practice for Athletes has been created by athletes and coaches for competitive athletes. You can go through the resource at your own pace individually, with others or your whole team! Understand Biblical principles, hear inspiring stories from coaches and athletes ways you can practically thrive and live out your faith through sport.
Why sport?
What does God think about sport?
Why we love sport?
Why sport is not perfect
How to understand sport as a Christian
How to practically put your faith in practice
7. Athletes talk about how they live out their faith in sport

Being a coach is such an honor and a huge responsibility! This course, Faith in Practice for Coaches, is designed by coaches for coaches who would like to grow in their faith.
What is God’s purpose for sport?
Why we love sport?
What went wrong in sport?
How can we understand sport as a Kingdom Coach?
How can we practice God’s Presence in sport?
Coaches share how they put their faith in practice.
A Coach’s Influence: Stories told by athletes on the impact physical and spiritual training had in the way they played and live.

Why do you have gaming abilities and a passion to play?
Learn why you were given these talents and understand how you can be the best you can be by living out your purpose in gaming.
Faith in Practice for Gamers has been created by gamers. You can go through the resource at your own pace individually, with others or your whole team! Learn from elite gamers ways you can thrive and practically live out your faith through gaming
1. Intro to Faith in Practice for Gamers
2. Idol No More
3. Nerdy Passions
4 Play with Purpose
5. Be the Example of Light
6. No to Bullying
7. Coping with Sadness and Loss
8. Despair to Loved

Parents of Athletes
Learn from Cheryl Baird, a licensed marriage and family therapist, speak from her expertise and experience as a parent of three athletic children who all played collegiate sports
The Ride Home
Parenting in the Stands
Coming alongside Coaches and Officials
Social Media and Recruiting
Burnout and Injuries
6. Mental Health

Parents of Gamers
Are your children into video games? Do you need some practical advice on how to parent well?
Our online course 5 Things You Need to Know so Video Games Don't Ruin Your Kids is for you! Learn from experts from Satellite Gaming and hear from parents who have cracked the code to thriving relationships with their kids. Shed your cluelessness and guilt by striking a healthy, balance with gamers in your home!
Resources include:
1. Being a Part of Your Student's Gaming Life is Always Worth It
2. Video Games are Real and They're Here to Stay
3. It's Their World. We're Just Living in It
4. How to Ask Good Questions
5. The 3 F's

The Waypoints- How to start a Gaming Ministry
Would you like to know how to start a gaming ministry? Learn from the experts at Satellite Gaming how to offer a ministry geared with the gamer in mind!
The Waypoints Course will walk you through the steps on how to point students to Jesus by building relationships through video games.
1. Arrival: Planning, Promotion, Presentation
2. Engagement
3. Retrospect
4. Duo Q
5. The Rift

"I always wondered if my faith should have anything to do with volleyball... or if playing sport is a legitimate use of my time. Is sport something God wants me to do? After going through the Athlete Faith in Practice course, I now understand that my ability to play volleyball is a gift from God for me to enjoy. When I play my best, it brings Him great joy!
So many of my questions and doubts were addressed and I feel free to be who God made me to be."
-Janie, collegiate volleyball player